SASE Event - Terms and Conditions
This Terms and Conditions with Media Release and Consent Agreement explains SASE policies and practices regarding how data may be collected, stored, used, transferred, or shared by the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE). (“SASE”, “we,” "our", or “us”) is a nonprofit organized under the laws of the state of Ohio. These Terms and Conditions are effective as of the last modified date below.
Attendees must agree and adhere to the following:
When attending the SASE event, attendees will do so under the following conditions:
There is no liability for an injury or death of an individual attending SASE events if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming this risk by entering the premises of any SASE event.
Attendees who do not accept, should not register.
It is the sole responsibility of the attendee to manage their allergies, food or otherwise. This includes but is not limited to informing banquet staff of any allergies as well as carrying an epi-pen on their person if one has been prescribed by a medical professional. It is recommended that attendees list allergy information in their registration along with emergency contact information.
Attendees must adhere to the SASE Code of Conduct.
If a registration is paid with a code, attendee information and confirmation of attendance will be shared with the company/organization/school/chapter providing the code used.
This Release and Consent Agreement ("Agreement") is granted by the individual attendee, effective as of the date registered, to SASE.
Attendees of events hereby mutually agree to the following terms of release and consent:
SASE desires to use the below-identified materials, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor Materials," in connection with the publication and distribution of materials, in various media, regarding and/or promoting SASE or its programs, its activities, or accomplishments.
Video or film materials incorporating scholar's name, image, likeness, voice and/or spoken or written words.
Photographic materials incorporating attendee's name and/or image.
Photographic materials incorporating attendee's name and/or image.
Telephonic or other recorded, electronic or digital materials incorporating attendee's name, voice and/or spoken or written words. Printed materials incorporating attendee's name, likeness and/or image.
Web-based or other electronic or digital materials incorporating attendee's name, image, likeness, voice and/or spoken or written words.
If we decide to change our terms and conditions, we will post those changes on this page.
This policy was last reviewed and modified on May 24, 2024.