
“SASE believes that it can be an agent for change to help Asian students & professionals achieve their full potential.” 

What we do

SASE Collegiate Chapters are pre-professional chapters run at the college level by both undergraduate and graduate students. These chapters primarily focus on developing the leaders of tomorrow by hosting a myriad of professional development events for students to build crucial soft skills that they can utilize to succeed in their future careers. 

In addition, SASE Collegiate chapters host events that focus on the other two pillars of SASE, namely celebrating diversity and giving back to their local communities. 

These events include conferences, panels, networking nights, company tours, workshops, and more. SASE Collegiate chapters regularly collaborate with local sponsors in hosting these professional development events. 

Preparing Asian Leaders

Our organization focuses on closing the Asian Leadnership Gap. As an professional development organization we strive to inspire and educate our collegiate members to take on leadership roles with our leadership workshops, 6E Leadership Program, and networking opportunities with prominient leaders in the STEM industry. 

Here is what one of our own SASE leaders had to say about Asian leadership: 

"Leadership is an essential and timeless skill that deserves SASE's focus. A study from the Center for Work-Life Policy (CWLP) showed Asians are underrepresented by 250% in top executive roles among Fortune 500 companies, comprising 5% of the population, but only holding 2% of the executive roles. Further, the study showed that Asian employees were deemed "unassertive" and lacked "leadership potential." SASE believes that it can be an agent for change to help Asian students & professionals achieve their full potential."

Tom Fernandez
SASE Co-Founder and Board Member

Our Growth

Our collegiate membership is growing faster than ever with over 106 chapters around the nation!  If you are interested in getting involved with an chapter, you can find one near you.

Start a Chapter

Can’t find a local chapter near you? Be a leader and start your own.

Campus Champion

Company Representative