SASE Event - Code of Conduct
By registering for a SASE event(s), the attendee (“participant”) agrees and acknowledges their participation in SASE’s event(s) and agrees to adhere to this Code of Conduct (“Code”). This Code includes all attendees, including but not limited to attendees, sponsors, speakers, volunteers, SASE staff/contractors, service providers, and others including convention guests. This Code applies to all events including in-person facilities and online and social media platforms.
SASE has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment by attendees or our staff/contractors/vendors at our events. Please report harassment or unacceptable behavior to so that the appropriate action can be taken.
All participants are expected to abide by this Code.
Unacceptable behavior (verbal/written/physical) is defined as harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.
Examples include but are not limited to:
verbal/written comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion or national origin;
inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces, presentations or posted on social media; or
threatening or stalking any attendee, speaker, volunteer, sponsor, SASE staff/contractor, service provider or other conference guest.
Further unacceptable behavior includes disruption of presentations during sessions or at other events organized by SASE. All participants must comply with the instructions of the moderator/handler/session leader and any SASE virtual event staff. SASE reserves the right to take any necessary or appropriate action, including immediate removal from the conference, without warning or refund, in response to any incident of unacceptable behavior. SASE reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future events, whether virtually or in person.
Defacing of any property, public or private, will not be tolerated, and any damage must be paid for by the person(s) who caused it.
Participants must agree to policies and instructions of any host, including but not limited to, event staff, hotels and convention centers. This includes the adherence to published/requested quiet hours.
Underage drinking and/or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
The sale or use of illegal drugs (as defined by the state of the local entity) are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Participants must not bring any weapons, firearms or anything that may be construed as a weapon.
Training materials including content, slides and other materials are the property of each trainer and should not be recorded, replicated, reproduced or disseminated without the expressed consent of the trainer.
Participants must adhere to any additional rules specific to the event such as health and safety protocols.
Participants are asked to conduct themselves in a professional manner keeping in mind the presence of company recruiters. If participants are contacted by a recruiter, a timely and professional response is expected.
Only sponsoring companies are allowed to recruit at this event; non-sponsors conducting recruiting activities will be escorted out.
SASE appreciates the efforts of all participants to adhere to this Code as SASE strives for a safe and positive experience for all participants.
Changes to our Code of Conduct
If we decide to change our Code of Conduct, the latest version will display on this page.
This policy was last reviewed and modified on July 15, 2024.