Refund and Cancellation Policy
2024 Convention Refund and Cancellation Policy
SASE hopes everyone who registers for the convention will be able to attend; however, SASE knows extenuating circumstances do occur. The SASE Cancellation and Refund Policies are as follows:
The SASE Convention Cancellation Refund Policy is as follows:
Individual collegiate registrations canceled before September 25, 2024 are refundable but subject to a $25 administrative fee. Individual collegiate registrants canceling on or after September 26, 2024 will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived.
Individual career fair only registrations are not eligible for refunds.
Individual professional registrations canceled before September 12, 2024 are refundable but subject to a $75 administrative fee. Individual registrants canceling on or after September 13, 2024 will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived.
Registration packs are not eligible for refunds. Please use caution when purchasing chapter packs.
If a registration code has been used for a canceled registration, the organization or company distributing the code will be credited with an additional use. A monetary refund will not be issued for registrations paid using a code
Registration fees may be transferred to another individual; a written request must be sent to up to 7 days prior to the start of the conference. The request must be from the registrant and contain the full name, email and phone number of the person to whom the registration is to be transferred. Requests received after this time cannot be completed.
Refunds for additional purchases and/or tours are subject to the cancellation and refund policies of the 3rd party vendors/businesses. In most cases these are non-refundable.
In the event SASE must cancel the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, SASE will refund the original ticket price. SASE does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging.
Unforeseen Circumstances Defined for Refund and Cancellation Policies
Unforeseen circumstances is used to describe an event that is unexpected and prevents SASE from continuing with a conference, convention, training, or webinar. Examples of such circumstances can include, but are not limited to inclement weather or other natural disasters, site unavailability, technology challenges, presenter absence or on guidance of a health/safety organization.